Strong Academics with a Biblical Worldview

Now Enrolling!

Call: 314-837-8283 ext. 31

Interested in learning more about FCA or taking the next step to have your child screened in the application process? Click here now to schedule a tour or be contacted by our Admissions Director! APPLY BY July 1st to SAVE $75!

  • Mission Statement

    Our mission is to first serve God in every thought and deed. And second, to serve families and children by giving them a Biblically-based education centered on a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • Academic Standards

    Foundation Christian Academy uses carefully selected curriculum from sources such as ABeka and Bob Jones to meet the needs of the total child.

  • Christian Worldview

    A Christian education teaches the godly character traits of servanthood, obedience, responsibility, commitment, and self-sacrifice. Students will learn to use this understanding to further God’s will in a fallen world.

“You shall lay up My words in your heart and in your soul... and you shall teach them to your children.”

— Deuteronomy 11:18,19