Strong Academics with a Biblical Worldview

Now Enrolling!
Call: 314-837-8283 ext. 31
Interested in learning more about FCA or taking the next step to have your child screened in the application process? Click here now to schedule a tour or be contacted by our Admissions Director! APPLY BY July 1st to SAVE $75!
Mission Statement
Our mission is to first serve God in every thought and deed. And second, to serve families and children by giving them a Biblically-based education centered on a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Academic Standards
Foundation Christian Academy uses carefully selected curriculum from sources such as ABeka and Bob Jones to meet the needs of the total child.
Christian Worldview
A Christian education teaches the godly character traits of servanthood, obedience, responsibility, commitment, and self-sacrifice. Students will learn to use this understanding to further God’s will in a fallen world.